Popcorn chicken

Popcorn chicken
Popcorn chicken
Chicken Popcorn, it is the most popular & trendy recipe nowadays. And that why today I am sharing my version of chicken popcorn recipe. This recipe is the great snack item for your parties, celebration and all of your events. It is also great during the month of Ramazan for your iftar time(breaking fast). It is very easy to make and very crispy, delicious & flavorful recipe. Your guest will love this. So what are we waiting for, Let's make chicken popcorn? The detailed recipe and video are given below.

150g Chicken (Cut in small cubes)
1tbsp Ginger-garlic paste
1tsp Gram masala powder
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1tsp Red chilly powder
1tsp Black pepper powder
2 tsp Red chilly sauce
2 tsp green chilly sauce
1tsp soy sauce
Salt to taste
1-2 Eggs (for the egg wash)
1tbsp Refined flour (Maida)
2tbsp cornflour
1-1/2 cup Bread crumbs

Step 1 Marination 

  • Take a bowl, Add Chicken, ginger garlic paste, gram-masala, turmeric powder, Red chilly powder, black pepper powder, green chilly sauce, Red chilly sauce, soy sauce, salt mix and leave it to marinate for about 20-30 min.  

Step 2 Coating 

  • Prepare a flour mixture by mixing Refined flour, cornflour, & salt altogether.
  • Then prepare the egg wash by whipping egg in a bowl.
  • When the chicken is well marinated for 20-30 min. Coat them with flour mixture, egg wash, bread crumbs respectively. (you can also double coat for extra crunch).
  • Now, let the coated chicken popcorns refrigerate in the freeze for to 5-10 min to set very well.
  • Then deep fry the chicken popcorns on hot oil until golden brown and crisp.
  • Chicken popcorn is ready to eat, serve hot with tomato ketchup.


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